quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2021


  Hello, Studentes?! How are you?

Here is a techer Renata and I wish a nice year for us. 

Leia o texto abaixo, compreenda-o utilizando dicionário ou tradutor e em seguida responda as questões.

Immigrants and Public Schools

Public schools in the United States helped immigrants in different ways. First the schools gave the children a free education. This meant that many young people became better educated than their parents and had more chances for better jobs. In addition, many schools had evening classes for adults.

1) Based on the text, it is correct to say that

a)    (    ) Public schools in the United States were only for adults.
           b)       ) Parents did not have to pay for their children’s education in public schools.
               c)    (    ) Parents were generally better educated than their children.
                         d)    (     ) There were no jobs for immigrants.  

2) What information is in the text?

I. The type of jobs found leaving school.
II. The absence of evening classes for adults.
III. The precise number of immigrants that used to go to school in the United States.
IV. The different ways public schools helped immigrants.

a)    I and III are correct.              d) III and IV are correct.
b)    II and III are correct.             e) all of them are correct.         
c)    Only IV is correct.