quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2020

Aula de Inglês 6º ano A


Good Morning!

Hoje faremos mais uma atividade referente a rotina. Para isso, LEIAM o texto (podem pesquisar a tradução para melhor compreensão), COPIEM E RESPONDAM as questões.


Let’s talk about sports.

My name is Cecilia. I live in Goiatuba. I am 11 years old. I like sports.

Do you like sports? Do you follow a sport? What sports do you like?

I follow sports. I like volleyball, soccer, basketball and swimming. I also follow running, trekking, and cycling. I always go trekking and cycling. My father plays soccer very well.

I never play soccer. I usually watch soccer games on TV. My family and I hardly ever go swimming. Right now, my brother is playing volleyball with his friends. And my mom is running.

Sports are a very popular topic of conversation in Brazil. You can talk about sports in lots of countries because people just love sports.



1. Answer these questions in English.

a)    Where does Cecilia live?

b)   What are the team sports that Cecilia likes?

c)    Who plays soccer very well?

d)   How often does she go trekking?

e)    Is her brother playing soccer? What is he playing?