Good morning, students!!
are you?
Na aula passada vocês copiaram o texto abaixo e circularam as palavras conhecidas, assim tendo um conhecimento prévio do que se trata. Hoje irão copiar as atividades no Portfólio e respondê-las. Não se esqueçam de colocar a data, por favor!!
off the stove
Marvin is a diligent
policeman. He love his job and carries out his duties. It is summertime, and
his team starting a fire prevention progam . Marvin is tasked to promote way to
avoid fire incidents. He reminds residents to always unplugs appliances. He
tells children not to play with matches. He talks to parents about turning off
stoves and heaters when not in use. He gives safety tips to anyone who asks.
Marvin is doing a great job. One morning , there is na emergency meeting. Quite
alarmed , Marvin leaves his unffilled coffe cup and quickly goes to work. After
work, Marvin arrives to find his house on fire. Sturned and confused, Marvin
asks the fireman about what happened . the fireman replies, “It’s because the
homeowner forgot to turn off the stove”.
1ª) Qual a profissão de
2ª) What is Marvin is team
3ª) Complete:
a) Marvin é responsável em
promover maneiras de ____________________.
b) Marvin lembra os
moradores de desligar os _____________________.
4ª) Qual o pedido que Marvin
faz para as crianças?
5ª) Procure a tradução no
texto das seguintes expressões:
a) Xícara de café:
b) Ótimo trabalho:
c) Reunião de emergência:
d) Atordoado e confuso:
e) Desligar o fogão:
f) Bombeiro:
Good classes for you!!
Teacher Mari!!🌼🍃