Good morning, students!!
are you?💕
Copie a atividade abaixo e responda corretamente. Utilize um dicionário para ajudar na tradução. Coloque a data, por favor! Aguardo!
1) Read the short text and
answer the questions.
“A digital detox refers to a
state when an individual quits or suspends use of digital equipment and devices
to utilize that time for social interactions and activities. These devices
generally include portable handheld devices such as smart-phones and tablets as
well as computers, laptops and even televisions. It is a technique that enables
an individual to relieve stress and anxiety incurred from being over occupied
by a high utilization of digital devices”.
a) What is a digital detox?
b) What does a digital detox
enable na individual to relieve?
c) What devices do you turn
off in a digital detox?
2) Match the verbs. ( Relacione os verbos):
a) Go for a walk ( )
Tomar banho
b) Have breakfast ( ) Ir caminhar
c) Take a shower ( ) Ler um livro
d) Read a book ( ) Tomar café da manhã
Good classes!!
Teacher Marivânia Rocha!!🌼🍃