quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2020

Aula de Inglês 1º ano A e B

Hello people!
Aqui é a Teacher Isabella. Houve algumas mudanças e darei continuidade a disciplina de Língua Inglesa. Espero que possamos fazer um bom trabalho.
Observando as últimas postagens, hoje daremos continuidade com base no último texto "My first love". LEIAM o texto novamente e em no mínimo 5 linhas, reproduzam aquilo que vocês conseguiram compreender do texto.

 My First Love

He was 13 and I was 12. We met on Facebook. He asked me out and I said yes but I wasn't really up to it. I grew to love him though, and everything felt plain perfect. I knew I never wanted to lose him. We broke up and got back together a lot... but it never felt like he didn't want me. I fell for his friend. He found out and got mad but he said he still loved me. I got over his friend soon enough but I found out he was cheating on me. I cried for days and days, but I was too much in love to break up with him. He texted me telling me he wanted love to break up with him. He texted me telling me he wanted to talk, I got scared. He said he was cheating on me and broke up with me. We don't talk anymore... but I still love him... I recently found out he likes my ex-friend Daniela... I just can't deal with the pain of that... I wish I could be with him again.