quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2020

Aula de Inglês 8° Ano A

Good morning, students!!
How are you?
I was missing!!

Para iniciarmos o bimestre iremos rever um conteúdo que trabalhamos no semestre passado. Copie a atividade abaixo e responda em seu caderno de Inglês. Coloque a data, por favor!!05/08/2020 Se necessário, utilize o dicionário para  auxiliar. 

Simple Future

Leia o texto abaixo para responder as questões:

1. Answer these questions in English.
a) Where will Nick work?
b) When will he start working?
c) Why will he have to work hard?
d) What does The State University offer?

2. Mark an T for TRUE or F for FALSE according to the text. Then, correct the false statements.
a) Scott will teach at Panora High School.(   )
b) Nick is curious.(   )
c) Nick will make $5,000.00 plus health care and others benefits.(   )
d) Nick will take a course in the evening.(   )

Good classes!!
Teacher Marivânia Rocha!!🌼🍃