quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2020

Aula de Inglês 7º ano A e B

Hello people!
Hoje daremos continuidade na atividade a respeito do Past Simple e Past Present Continuous. Atividade simples de interpretação. Para isso, prestem bem atenção, façam a LEITURA do texto e COPIEM e RESPONDAM as questões a seguir.


When gold was found in Brazil in the 1690’s, this country was finally recognized for its mineral and trading potential. Approximately a century later, though, it was clear that the gold deposits were limited and that the agricultural value of this country remained its main asset. Napoleon Bonaparte arrived in 1807 and the Prince Regent, Dom Joao, arrived shortly thereafter. When Dom Joao returned to Portugal in 1821, he left Brazil in the hands of his son, Dom Pedro. However, when the king tried to return to what was, essentially, his territory (Brazil), his son rebelled, declaring this country’s independence from Portugal.
Portugal was experiencing a massive economic crisis at this time, leading to a mass move of these people into South America, where they saw the potential to trade and to settle on safe, fertile land. 


1.    Match the columns. (Combine as colunas).

(A) Napoleon Bonaparte             (     ) declared Brazil’s independence from Portugal.
(B) Dom João                              (     ) arrived in Brazil in 1807.
(C) Dom Pedro                            (     ) was Dom Pedro’s father.

2.    Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Then, correct the false statements. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto. Depois, corrija as sentenças falsas.)

a)    Gold was found in the 1690’s.

b)    Dom Pedro was the Prince Regent.

c)    Napoleon Bonaparte returned to Portugal in 1821.

d)    Dom Pedro was Dom João’s father.