Na aula de hoje, vocês irão copiar e responder as atividades abaixo no caderno. Não esquecendo de colocar a data da aula.
1) Read the cartoon below and put true (T) or false (F) in
the alternatives.
a) The
teacher decided to do texting after the students had sent a message asking him
to do so.
b) The
teacher did not know how to text.
c) The
students received the teacher's message.
d) The students
didn't understand the language the teacher used in that message.
e) The
students knew that GR8 means 'great'.
f) At
least one of the students was surprised to receive that message.
2) Read the cartoon below and check the correct alternative.
( ) The cartoon only mentions negative
aspects of social networking sites.
( ) The cartoon only mentions positive
aspects of social networking sites.
c. ( ) The cartoon mentions negative and positive
aspects of social networking sites
Good classes for you!
Teacher Marivânia